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    Janet Attard

    I’m a “seasoned entrepreneur” (what an AI bot called me) with a passion for writing content that helps people achieve their goals and solve problems.

    I’ve been helping small businesses for 35 years and founded the Business Know-How small business site that reached millions of people a year before it was acquired. I ran popular small business forums on AOL, MSN, and GEnie for many years, and was a contractor to the U.S. Airforce Office of Small Business for ten years, as well.

    I’m also a wife and grandmother whose gray hair is starting to turn white.  I like to go to concerts and plays, travel, swim, go to the gym, and noodle with a guitar and keyboard.

    The media regularly refer to people my age (and even younger) as “elderly.” Doctors consider patients who are 65 and up to be geriatric.  And to a lot of Gen Z, I’m an “old lady.”

    While those terms are commonly used for people my age, they’re stereotypical. They don’t define me, just like they don’t define you.

    What does define me is how I live my life, what I’ve accomplished and all the things I’m still planning to do. Those should be the kinds of things that that define you, too. Because there’s way more living to do.

    Although I continue to create some content for small business, my focus from now on will be on meeting the informational needs of seniors and older people. As of 2022, there were more than 100 million of us in the United States, alone.

    To accomplish this goal, I’ve teamed up with Bill VanNostrand to co-found Way More Living.

    Bill is the entrepreneur and tech genius whose company created the custom back-end that ran the Business Know-How site for many years. We met when I owned Business Know-How, he owned an IT company and when we had office space next to each other in a building in town.

    We decided to create this site because we, along with our friends and families, have the same kinds of concerns you do.  And we have the same kinds of needs and wants as you.  Our goal is to bring you information, tips, and hints to help you reach your goals, live your best life and help your friends and family age well, too. 

    As we develop the site (there’s lots more to come!), we hope you’ll reach out to us to let us know what you like, what you don’t like, and what you want to see more of. 

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